1. Candidate seeking admission to B.A.M.S course in SRI SATYA SAI AYURVEDIC COLLEGE & HOSPITAL,MOGA shall be required to send his/her application on the prescribed form given at the end of the prospectus. The candidate shall fill in the application form in his/her own hand writing and send it by registered post in the envelop super scribed as “application form for BAMS along with Rs.1200/- College Registration Fees.

2. Applications received after the due date and time due to any reason postal delay, shall not be considered .

3. All particulars in the application form must be written legibly.

4. Application incomplete in any respect will not be considered.

5. The application form duly filled should be accompanied by the following documents.

a). One recent passport size photograph of the candidate duly signed by the candidate at the front top side of photograph.

b). An attested copy of the matriculation certificates issued by the board showing the date of birth the candidate.

c). An attested copy of the character certificate from the concerned university or board to the effect that the candidate has passed10+2 or equivalent examination.

d). An attested copy of the character certificate in respect of good conduct from principal/head of the institution last attended.

e). Candidate applying under reserve category must submit an attested copy of the respective reservation category certificate issued by the competent authority, failing which reservation shall not be given.

f). Attested copy of NEET result card.

g). In case any candidate is found to have furnished false information or certificates etc. or is found to have with held or concealed information in his/her application from he/she be debarred from the admission.

Note:-Candidate is required to bring original certificates at the time of admission.


1. Students should be regular in attendance. They should be punctual in attending every period and late comers will be marked although they can be allowed to enter the class by the teacher of concerned subject at his /her discretion.

2. The College keeps date wise attendance record of each student. Parents & guardians would be informed accordingly. Parents are also requested to check the attendance & progress of their ward. A student who is habitually irregular in attendance or who does not deposit college dues in time, his/her name will be struck off from the college rolls.

3. A student, who wishes to leave the hostel permanently must apply on the prescribed form duly counter signed by the parent/guardian and should deposit the dues up to date before submitting such an application.

4. Students should keep the college identity card with them while in the college and produce it when demanded by any college official or faculty member.

5. Use of any objectionable material such as smoking is not allowed at any place of campus.

6. If any student is found involved in RAGGING strict action will be taken against him/her recommended by ragging committee/Discipline committee.

7. In case of a quarrel or a dispute, a written complaint should be made to the principal at once. Nobody is allowed to take law in his/her hands.

8. Students are not allowed to possess obscene and vulgar books or any literature of this category.

9. Students must maintain proper discipline in class room, reading place and in the college campus.

10. All the admission are provisional and subject to the final approval of Guru Ravidas Ayurvedic University, Hoshiarpur.

11. If the statement made by the candidate at the time of admission is found to be false or at any subsequent time, his/her name shall be struck off from the college rolls and the dues paid up to date shall be forfeited. Principal may take action such a candidate.

12. Fees once deposit will not be refunded in any case.

13. Every student of the college is informed that under the orders of the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and the rules framed by the University There under vide ordinance 22.17 ragging is completely prohibited. Any student found involved in ragging will be summarily expelled from the college and legal proceedings under criminal law shall be initiated against him/her.

Note:-The infringement of the code of conduct and disobedience of the college rules by the student shall make him/her liable for punishment and disciplinary action. Character certificates shall not be issued to such a student.